Black moves first.
To make a legal move, your piece must be placed next to a piece of the opposite color. The move is only legal if there somewhere on the column/row/diagonal in the direction of the opposite piece is one of your own pieces. All opposite pieces in this direction is then captured by you and will change to your color.
If your piece is placed next to several pieces of the opposite color then you can capture opposite pieces in several direction in one move.
If you have no possible moves you will be forced to pass your turn. When you have to pass, Diana will tell you to. To pass simply click with the mouse on the board.
If Diana has no moves it will tell you. You can continue to make your move as normal.
The game is over when all fields is occupied or when no side can make a legal move.
The winner of the game is the one with the most pieces when the game is over. Diana will tell you who has won when the game ends.
To change sides, press the "GO!" button.
Always place a piece in a corner when possible.
Avoid placing pieces next to a corner if the corner is unoccupied.